Friday, April 11, 2014

kindergarten news for the week of April 14th - 17th

Kindergarten News for the week of April 14th – 17th    

This week we will learn digraph sh as in shark.  We will also be reading sheep books, Mrs. Wishy Washy books and Mrs. McNosh books! 

In math class we will be working on a unit that compares objects by length, size, height and capacity. 

In reading we will be reading the story Mayday! Mayday!  It is an informational text and we will be reviewing the letter X and the comprehension skill of cause and effect.  We have been reading more leveled readers for more practice on your child’s own reading level.

When we return to school on Monday it will be day # 1.  We have book exchange on TUESDAY!  We have gym on day #3. 

You may want to begin to hand in your boxtops, Redner’s receipts, Campbell’s soup labels, and moo lids from Turkey Hill before the end of the year! 

I will have one more book order before the end of school!  Try to redeem any coupons at this time.

You can send sh show and tell on Thursday.  It can be anywhere in the word! 

There is no school for students on Friday- April 18th for the short Easter break!  We will have a little egg hunt on Wednesday-weather permitting. 

Everyone enjoyed the wedding of Q and U today!  We blew bubbles, danced and ate wedding cake!  Q and U are stuck like glue!!