Friday, September 23, 2011

Kindergarten week of September 26th - 30th

Kindergarten News for the week of September 26th-September 30th

In the upcoming week we will be learning the letter Hh as in hat, hippo, and horse. Letter Hh is a consonant. As part of our study with the letter Hh we will have a “Hat Day” on Friday, September 30th . Students are asked to wear a favorite hat, a funny hat, or even a homemade hat. You can be creative with this if you want! Students will be able to wear the hat all day—we do just ask that students do not share hats. Show and Tell will be with items that begin with the /h/ sound on Thursday! Watch for your brown bag!
Next week we will be learning about “APPLES”. We were sorting, graphing, and tasting all apples. We ask that each child bring one apple to school on Monday. Our applesauce will be delicious!
In Math we will be learning about acting out story problems, identifying, describing and comparing circles and rectangles. We will also be identifying and ordering the numbers 1 – 5 and identifying a missing number.
We have been practicing writing our first names. Please watch your child as he/she is writing. Be sure to check if letters are beginning at the top, not the bottom and also guide him/her to use the lines when forming the letters. Capital letters should only be used at the beginning of your name.
The PTO store will be open on Mondays. Kindergarteners are asked to shop only on a Monday from 8:25-8:45. Please do not put school store money in your child’s folder. (Teachers will not see it until after the store closes.) Students should keep it separate in book bags where they can reach it easily for shopping before homeroom.
There will be a meeting on Wednesday- September 28th at 6:00 pm at the Mine Shaft in Ashland for anyone interested in helping to plan our kindergarten fall festival. We need lots of help to make this day successful for your child!!
Boxtops for education and Campbell’s labels will be collected at any time. If you have any at your home, then please send them to school with your child. The box tops and labels help our school to earn extra money and the homeroom with the most collected each month will receive a treat from PTO!
Monday will be Day 4 on our special classes’ schedule. Please try to follow the schedule I gave you in your child’s yellow folder! Also, labels coats and sweaters your child is wearing to school! I had phone calls this week about missing items and they’re very difficult to find without names in them!
Kindergarten children do not receive progress reports!
Have a Great weekend!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Kindergarten week of September 19th - 23rd

Kindergarten news for the week of September 19thth – 23rd
Anyone interested in helping with the Kindergarten Fall Festival is invited to a meeting in the NSE cafeteria at 2:00 on Wednesday September 21st. The Fall Festival will be held on Thursday October 20th. There will be no rain date. The meeting MAY run until the end of the school day. Please let me know if you will be taking your child as a walker at the end of the day!
• Next week in Phonics we will be learning the letter Gg and its sound as in goat. Please review the sounds and how to write the letters we have already learned. We will have Show & Tell for Gg on Thursday. If your child loses or rips their brown bag for show and tell, you may use any bag at all! The bag is really a reminder!
• In math next week we will create pattern block designs, cover designs using pattern blocks, sort objects by color, create a real graph and act out some story problems.
• In our reading story Fix-it Duck! The children were introduced to the letters Ff – Nn. Our next story is about a plaid platypus called Plaidypus Lost. The genre of this book is fiction and we will discuss the comprehension skill of sequence. The children will be introduced to the letters Oo- Ss.

We have already completed three weeks of school and many students are familiar with their bus numbers, however, we are asking that students continue to wear their bus tags or at least be sure to have them handy inside their backpacks. If your child has lost his/her bus tag then please write your child’s name, the teacher’s name, the bus number your child rides to and from school, and any other information you would like to include (address, phone #, child’s destination, etc…) on an index card or piece of paper and place it inside your child’s backpack. This will be very helpful for teachers on bus duty and for any substitute teachers or substitute bus drivers. Thank you for your support!

• Parents please check folders daily and remove all “KEEP” items. It becomes difficult to handle folders with too many papers inside (both for the students and teachers). Thank you for your cooperation and support!

Please note that the blue September calendar is off one day of the rotation due to the day off due to the flooding last week! Monday will be day #4.

Now that the weather is a little cooler your child needs to be dressed properly to be outside for recess for ½ hour!

Have an Outstanding Weekend!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st week newsletter

Kindergarten News………
Congratulations!! You made it through the first week of kindergarten! There is no school on Monday due to the Labor Day holiday. Enjoy the long weekend.
Tuesday, September 6th will be day 1. Please check your special schedule. Remember your child needs sneakers on every day 3 for gym.
*Next week we will be learning the letter Ll as in lion, lemonade and licorice. Please review the letter and sound with your child at home. On Thursday, September 8th Kindergarten will have a Luau. Students are permitted to wear tropical clothes. (Bright colors, floral prints and Hawaiian shirts etc.) More details will be sent home next week. No flip flops please!
*We’ve started our saxon math series.
*We will begin show and tell on Thursday. Please help your child find an item or two around the house that begins with the letter /l/. The items should be small enough to fit in the brown bag that will be sent home on Tuesday. Each week the show and tell will be on Thursday, but the letter will change each week.
*I’m sure the children have been telling you things about our day. If you have any questions, please call me! The following is a general outline:
We begin each day with attendance and lunch count.
We read the morning message.
We count the days we’ve been in school and learn about place value.
We do the calendar and read the fun fact, joke or question of the day.
Kidwriting will begin in a few weeks when we learn more letters.
Saxon phonics teaches us our letters and sounds. We will work on proper letter formation as we learn the letters.
All children need a snack and a drink every day. Snack time is usually at 2:35. I’m not sure if I mentioned this at Meet the Teacher. In order to eliminate confusion about whether something is a snack or a drink, you may want to pack your child’s lunch in a regular lunchbox/thermal tote and his/her snack in a paper bag marked “snack”. Some children have eaten snack for lunch when they were supposed to eat in the cafeteria!
We have literature/story time each day.
Lunch is 10:50 – 11:20 and recess follows from 12:30 – 1:00. We go outside if possible.
We will learn science using FOSS science units.
We have a new and very comprehensive reading program. We will be working with a story every 6-days. We’ll be reading soon!
Please continue to check your child’s communication folder daily.
Lastly, we will be doing an “All about Me” activity. It is in the shape of a t-shirt and the student will be featured as the student of the week. We will do one or two per week on a Friday. The children will share their poster and then we’ll hang it in the hall for all to see. I will send the poster home the week before they’re due.
You may want to send in a sweater or jacket for your child to keep in his/her cubby. Our room is often chilly due to the constant blowing of our air system. You may also want to send a change of clothes to be kept in case of spills or accidents. These are completely optional and up to you!
Let me know if you or your child needs anything!
Mrs. Tarantelli