Friday, February 25, 2011

Kindergarten week of February 28th - March 4th

Kindergarten Newsletter for February 28th – March 4th
This week in school we will be learning the letter Vv. This is easy for the children! They seem to understand it after Valentine’s Day! The formation is simple too! We will count the number of syllables in words. We will practice the words on word list 15 each day. We will start homework again next week and we will have show and tell. If I ever forget to send a bag, you can use any bag and our show and tell is always on a Thursday!
Library book exchange is always on Wednesday! Please bring your books!
In math we will be creating, identifying and extending ABC patterns using sound and movement. We will be paying for items up to 50 cents using nickels. We will divide by sharing, identify and order numbers and compare sets of objects. We will compare numbers up to 10. Please review skills as they come home each day.
Monday will be day number 4. Remember, we have gym every time it is day 2. Your child needs sneakers to be able to take gym.
In reading we will begin unit 4. I had intended to begin it this week but we had many absences of the children in our class and I didn’t get to give the review test until Thursday! Our first story in this unit is called Bunny Day. It is an animal fantasy book and we will learn the skill of sequence. We will also review the letter Hh.
Congratulations to the children who did a great job with their Dinosaur project!! Many children helped us all learn more about their chosen dinosaur.
A note went home with information about a spaghetti supper that will be held next Friday- March 4th to benefit the families that were burned out because of the terrible fire in Girardville.
We will celebrate Read Across America day on Friday March 4th. We will have guest student teachers from Bloomsburg University come to teach a lesson using a Dr. Seuss book! My husband will also come to read Green Eggs and Ham! He will be in uniform in case they say a police officer read to them!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kindergarten week of February 21st - 25th

Kindergarten News for the Week of February 21st – 25th
There is no school for students on Monday- February 21st
In phonics next week we will be learning the letter Dd. We will be doing dinosaur projects and your child should have a paper with the dinosaur they selected and their assigned date in his/her folder today. We will not have our regular show and tell. We only have 6 more alphabet letters to learn. The girls are anxiously awaiting being queens for a day when we learn the letter Qq! Unfortunately it is the last letter we learn! Don’t forget to study the next word list that was also in your child’s folder today!
In math we will be learning the following math concepts: identifying nickels, trading 5 pennies for a nickel, counting by 5’s, comparing events according to duration of time, counting nickels to 25 cents and paying for objects up to 25 cents, identifying a cylinder and ordering objects by height.
In reading we will begin unit 4. Our first story in this unit is called Bunny Day. It is an animal fantasy book and we will learn the skill of sequence. We will also review the letter Hh.
Book orders are due to me by Thursday – February 24th if you are interested in buying anything. You may also order them online. Use my code when entering your order on .
A big “Thank You” to Mrs. Haslam for planning a great Valentine party!! We had a wonderful time. Thank you also for sending in party money!
We will be collecting any change you would like to send in for “Pennies for Pets”! We saw a program last week during our anti-bullying week about taking good care of your pets and not bullying them.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Kindergarten week of February 14th - 18th

Kindergarten News for the week of February 14th – 18th
We will have our Valentine Party on Monday from 2:00 – 3:00. Your child should make sure they have a valentine for everybody in our class and bring them on Monday morning. Just in case you haven’t done the Valentine cards yet, since the list was made two students have moved. Jenna Sallade and Connor Adams are no longer in our class. Please PRINT all names. The children cannot read cursive writing!
In math this week we will be ordering objects by length and measuring with non-standard units. We will also be making patterns more difficult by making ABC patterns. Lastly we will begin addition and subtraction by calling it some and some more and some and some went away. I will also use the proper terms along with their wording and explaining the names of the signs “plus” and “minus”.
In phonics we will learn the letter Yy as in yarn. Some of the concepts that will be reviewed this week are same/different words, rhyming, alphabetizing words and recognizing the /y/ when heard in words. ***The next letter after Yy is Dd and the children are very excited to be doing a dinosaur project! They will choose a dinosaur next Friday and they will also be given a presentation date for their project!
In reading next week we will be reading a story about a chameleon called Hide, Clyde! It is a cute fiction book but we will also be discussing real chameleons and how they camouflage themselves.
The lunch for February 18th will be a hot dog with pizza and wrap as alternates. This will be a school day now. The children will only be off on Monday - February 21st for President’s Day.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kindergarten week of February 7th - 11th

Kindergarten news for the week of February 7th – 14th
~~In Phonics next week we will be finishing the letter Cc and begin learning the vowel letter Ee with its short sound as in elephant and egg and its long sound as in equal and eagle. We will be focusing on the short vowel sound. We will not have show and tell!
~~Homeroom parents have begun planning for the Valentine’s Day party, so please send in your child’s party money as soon as possible. We have asked for $4.00 to cover the cost of the Valentine’s and Easter parties. I am missing about half of the party money.
~~In reading next week we will read the story Seeds. Ask your child what they learned about seeds and watch for the Parent Newsletter to come home on Monday!
~~In math this week we will learn how to compare length by identifying shorter and longer, order objects by length, naming a shape piece by using the attributes of shape, color and size and copying line segments, shapes and designs on a geoboard.
We had a fabulous 100th day! Ask your child about all the “100” activities we did. (We saw how long it takes to melt 100 ice cubes, how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, which weighs more 100 cotton balls or 100 q-tips etc!!!!)
Please return the physical forms as soon as possible. Not everyone needs a physical. A purple half sheet was sent home with those that need one!