Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kindergarten News for the week of May 2nd

Kindergarten News

 Next week in Phonics we will be learning the two sounds of digraph oo as in the words hook and tooth. Please review digraphs ck, sh, and voiced and unvoiced th. We will not have Show and Tell.

 In Math we will be learning how to use indirect comparisons to compare the heights or lengths of objects. We will share a whole by dividing into 2 equal parts. We will use objects to represent numbers and use numbers to represent groups of objects.

 FYI: Any boys and girls involved in tee-ball and are a part of a team are discouraged from wearing their team baseball caps to school. It has been said that players will not be allowed on the field without their team caps, and we do not want to have any hats lost or left at school on game days.

 We are approaching the end of the year testing for kindergarten. Each child will be tested by the Reading teachers. Children will need to write a dictated sentence, recognize, write, and give the sound of every letter of the alphabet, be fluent in phonemic segmentation, be able to provide a word that begins with every letter of the alphabet, and be able to use a word in a sentence. Please try at home to work on some of the areas to be tested to ensure that your child is fully prepared.

 Field trip permission slips will be sent home shortly in your child’s folder. Please complete, sign, and return the permission slip form as soon as possible. Kindergarten will be traveling to The Ringling Brothers Circus on May 26th in Hershey.**Just a reminder: Students will need to wear the North Schuylkill T-shirts that was provided by the PTO on the field trip—so be sure you have it ready.

 In Reading we will read the story The Little Engine that Could. We really enjoyed the dvd this week!

 It is cold in our room since the air is on! Your child may want to bring a jacket or sweater!

Other Upcoming Dates:
Carnival Day – Friday, May 27th
Memorial Day/ No School – Moday – May 30th
Kindergarten Graduation – Friday, May 2 3rd @ 6:30 pm.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kindergarten week of Easter!!

Kindergarten News

~Next week we will be focusing on the two sounds of digraph th. It makes a voiced (vibrating) sound as in feather and an unvoiced sound as in thimble. This is difficult so going over daily worksheets to review would be helpful! Please continue to practice writing and reviewing sounds with your child at home. For Show and Tell your child can bring something that contains either or both of the digraph th sounds. (Thursday)

~In the upcoming week we will be talking about the environment to prepare for Earth Day. Earth day is a day to remember to take care of our planet by keeping it clean. We will discuss the important rule that tells us to “reduce, reuse, and recycle” and how following this rule can make a difference!

~We will continue in Math with beginning subtraction, identifying and making symmetrical designs, counting pennies to pay for items that together cost less than 30 cents and writing numerals through 30 to label sets.

In reading we will read a book called Messenger, Messenger. This will talk about different kinds of transportation that help people do their jobs.

~DIBELS testing will begin on Tuesday and continue through the week. All students in grades K-6 will be tested for the last time this school year.

~Even though spring has arrived, we do have several weeks of school remaining. Students need to try and stay focused on their schoolwork and to continue to do their best. Let’s try to finish the school year with lots of effort and good behavior!!!

I hope everyone has a restful Easter Break! It will be day 3 when we return on Tuesday!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kindergarten week of April 18th - 21st

Kindergarten News for the week of April 18th – 21st
This week we will learn digraph sh as in shark. We will also be reading sheep books, Mrs. Wishy Washy books and Mrs. McNosh books!
In math class we will be Identifying a cone, sorting 3-dimensional objects, identifying time of day, sequencing events, beginning to count by 2’s and identifying odd and even numbers up to 10.
In reading we will be reading the story Messenger, Messenger. This is a rhyming story. We will review the comprehension skill of compare/contrast. Our question of the week is, “What kind of transportation help people do their jobs?”
We will shortly finish our unit on wood and paper. Next, as part of the spring season and our FOSS Science curriculum, Kindergarten will be learning about Living Things and Animals. Over the next month, we will be getting a close up look at Goldfish and Guppies, the life cycle of the painted lady butterfly, and maybe even some worms or insects!
When we return to school on Monday it will be day # 3. We have gym on day #2. We have book exchange on WEDNESDAY!
You may want to begin to hand in your boxtops, Redner’s receipts, Campbell’s soup labels, and moo lids from Turkey Hill before the end of the year!
I will try to have one more book order before the end of school!
Our graduation pictures went very well! All children were present! They turned out great!!
I wanted to tell everyone that I am very proud of our class! We had a popcicle and fudgecicle party today to celebrate everyone in our class getting all of the words on our word list correct!! We’ve been waiting all year for this to happen and we had to celebrate!! Keep practicing and I hope we do it again next week!!
We will have a small Easter Egg Hunt and party on Thursday! Show and tell this week will be to show and tell anything that can be fit into an Easter Egg that I send home! Have fun with that! We will also dye an egg this week!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kindergarten news for April 11th

Kindergarten News for the week of April 11th

 Next week in Phonics we will learn the digraph ck as in duck. Show & Tell can be any item that has the digraph ck as part of the word (for example; truck, black, chicken, etc…). Please send it on Thursday. Our next sound will be sh as in shark. Please continue to practice the word lists and the take home readers for fluency! You can also continue to help your child practice writing words on their own for a time limit of 10 minutes. You can give them hints while they are working, ex. Yes, no, mom, dad, up etc.

 In reading this week we will be reading a story called Max Takes the Train. This story has the familiar character Max from the Max and Ruby series by Rosemary Wells.

 In math this week we will be studying identifying and matching equivalent sets and identifying doubles, acting out some, some more stories, solving problems by guessing and checking, and drawing pictures for some, some more stories.

Reminder: Kindergarten Physicals will also be held on Thursday, April 14th.

 The Easter vacation has been revised. There will be NO school for teachers and students Friday, April 22nd and Monday, April 25th .
 Kindergarten pictures went very well!! It was great because everyone was there!!

 Please continue to send a drink and a snack for your child each day. Many children have been coming in recently with no snack or drink. I always have extra snacks but don’t have extra drinks!

FYI: Kindergarten Graduation will be held on Monday, May 23rd! Please mark your calendars.
The 4th and last marking period has now begun—less than 37 school days left until summer vacation!!