Friday, December 13, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of December 16th - 20th

Kindergarten News for the week of December 16th – 20th   


We will take the second session of the dibels test after we return from our Christmas break.  In the Winter (January) your child will complete the following assessments for DIBELS: First Sound Fluency, Letter Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation, and Nonsense Word Fluency.  There are two more assessments, which have been added. The first is Phoneme Segmentation, which does not require any materials. This is an advanced skill of First Sound Fluency by moving from the first sound of a word to the middle and ending sounds of a word. For example, if I would say the word "cat," and your child would segment it by saying the sounds /c/ /a/ /t/.
The final assessment in Winter is Nonsense Word Fluency. This sounds complicated, but it is quite simple. The children are shown a three letter make believe word to read. For example, the child might see "mav" and the child would have to read it by saying the sounds /m/ /a/ /v/ or reading the whole word "mav."

We will not begin a new letter before we leave for Christmas break.  In phonics we will be learning the letter Bb when we return after the holidays.  I will test word list 7 next week.  I will test word list 8 on the Friday when we return after Christmas.  

In math we will review counting and recognizing numbers to 100 and counting by 1’s, 2’s and 10’s to 100. 

In reading we will not be starting a new story!  We will finish activities with Little Quack.

Please continue to dress your child for the weather!  We go outside every day that it is possible.  Hats and gloves make their time outside more enjoyable.  Also some of the children have been asking to put on their coats in our classroom because they are cold.  I am wearing 2 layers myself every day because the large blower makes our room feel cold!  You may want to send a dress code appropriate sweater or hoodless sweatshirt for your child’s cubby!

We have learned the letters L,O,G,H,T,P,A,N,M,I,S,F,R and K.  Your child should recognize these (capital and lowercase letters) and know the corresponding sound.  They should be able to read all sight words taught and recognize numbers to 100.  Your child will be asked to recognize rhyme by saying if 2 words said to them rhyme.  They should also be able to tell a rhyming word that rhymes with a word given by me!

Please note that Friday- December 20th is a half day of school and that will also be our Polar Express day!  (Children may wear pajamas.)                                    

Please continue to call us with any questions or concerns!  Our school phone number is 874-3661-ext. 3241.  Next week will be a little crazy!  On Tuesday- Dec 17th we will go to the high school to see the high school band and chorus.  On Thursday we have an in-school program sponsored by the PTO. 


Friday, December 6, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of December 9th - 13th

Kindergarten News for the week of December 9th  – 13th      

Yesterday we mailed our letters to Santa!  A reply should come home before Christmas!  Thank you for helping your child with this fun activity!

We have a super busy week ahead of us!  We are collecting donations for the military.  Santa may visit our room soon!  Our elf on the shelf, Frosty is keeping us entertained!

Friday- December 13th -Trip to high school to see the elementary band and chorus concert!  That is also the PTO movie night.  Please return the paper that is your child’s folder today if you are interested in attending.

In phonics next week we will learn the letter Kk as in kite!  We will have show and tell on Thursday!  This will be the last letter we learn before Christmas.  The boys will be kings one day and wear crowns!  We will learn Bb when we return from the holiday break.

In math we will be learning about numbers to 100 and beginning to count by 10’s, 5’s and 2’s.

We will read the story Little Quack.  We really enjoyed the Panda cam from the SanDiego zoo.  You can check it out on your home computer.  Just google search Panda Cam.

We will be making reindeer food and a Santa cookie plate.  We will have a special Polar Express day before Christmas!  A note is in your child’s backpack.   We will not be exchanging gifts in our classroom from one child to another child or with our reading buddies.  It won’t be long now!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week before Thanksgiving

Mrs. Tarantelli’s and Miss Woodring’s Kindergarten News for the week before Thanksgiving

This is just a short note to let you know what’s going on next week!

Cafe, NS

Good Afternoon, The menu for Wednesday November 21 2012 is as follows: Breaded Chicken Rings, w/sauce Whole wheat bread Glazed carrots Fruit cup The alternate is Meatball Sub NO STUDENT OR ADULT SALADS !!! Thank You Cafeteria Staff

Wed 11/7


The menu for Wednesday November 27, 2013 is as follows:

Breaded Chicken Patty

Whole wheat bread                                                                  

Green beans


There are no alternate lunches.

There is no breakfast that day.  They will start serving LUNCH at 9:00. 

We will have gym class on Wednesday!!


We will not be learning a new letter next week.  We will begin the letter Rr when we return after Thanksgiving!  We do have a new word list -#6!  Word list #6 will not be tested until the Friday after Thanksgiving.   I tested word list 5.


In math we will be reviewing the numbers up to 20.  The children need to recognize them and be able to count that many correctly.


We will be visiting our reading buddies and watching Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving with them next week!  We will also make a turkey craft with them.  We will also be making butter and baking corn bread!  We will be learning about pilgrims and Native Americans next week.  We will make necklaces, headdresses and vests.


Monday is day #1 on our rotation schedule.


Please continue to send a snack and a drink with your child each day!  You may replace your child’s folder if it is badly torn.  They are just 3 prong folders from Walmart that I purchased in the summer.   


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!   


Friday, November 15, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of November 18th - 22nd

Kindergarten News for the week of November 18th  – 22nd   
Please remember that there is no school for students on Monday- November 18th!  We have conferences scheduled for that day from 12-6:15pm.  If you did not schedule a conference or misplaced the time confirmation note, you may call or email me for a or 570-874-3661 etx.3241.  Please jot down any questions or concerns you may have. 
In math next week we will be counting and really learning all about the numbers 11-20.  We will also be doing some problem solving, reviewing for a chapter test and taking a test on the numbers 11-20.
In reading we will be reading the story Whose Garden is it?  This is a rhyming story and we will discuss realism and fantasy again.
In phonics we will be learning the letter Ff as in fish.  We will also be reading some frog books.  Your child should now know Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt, Pp, Aa, Nn, Mm, Ii, and Ss.  They should know how to recognize the letter and know the sound.
Please practice word list 5.  We will be having show and tell for Ff on Thursday and will be tested on word list 5 on Friday!
Tuesday will be day #2 on our rotation schedule.  Your child will need his/her library book.  Wednesday will be gym day! 
I gave each child a knit headband to wear for recess.  This has their name on it and will be kept in their cubby. 

We will learn about Indians and pilgrims up until Thanksgiving.  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of November 11th - 15th

Kindergarten News for the week of November 11th - 15th
In phonics we will be learning the letter Ss as in sun.  We will still have show and tell on Thursday.  There is a new word list in your child’s folder (#4).  You may want to practice if your child is struggling with these.  We do review them in class!
In math we will be counting, writing and reading the numbers 11-20.  This is difficult for some children. 
The new reading book for this week is called A Bed for Winter.  This story is an informational text and we will review the comprehension skill of sequencing events in a story.
As the weather turns cooler, don’t forget to dress your child to be outside for a half of an hour.  If you have an extra hat and pair of gloves, maybe your child would like to leave them in their cubby for recess.  They may also want to leave a sweater or hoodless sweatshirt if they think our room is cold.  We have no control over the temperature and sometimes it seems to change throughout the day.
Please check your child’s folder for your conference time. 
Monday will be day #2 on our rotation schedule.  Your child needs his/her library book for Monday and sneakers for gym on Tuesday.
I was informed that Santa is coming to the Schuylkill mall this weekend.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Mrs. Tarantelli's Kindergarten news for the week of November 4th - 8th

Kindergarten News for the week of November 4th – 8th

There is no school for students on Monday- November 18th.  It is a teacher act 80 day!  Parent-teacher conferences will be held from 12-6pm that day to discuss your child’s progress.  You should have received a paper to sign up for a conference.  Please keep in mind that your kindergarten child will not receive a report card on Monday like the rest of the school!! 

On Monday it will be day 2 on our rotation schedule.  Your child needs to bring his/her library book to exchange it.  We have gym on Tuesday (day 3)  Many children are confused about this because for several weeks gym was on a Friday.  Remember your sneakers for gym class and no more shorts until spring!  Clocks change this weekend!

Our phonics letter for next week will be Ii as in inch and icicles.  The formation of this letter is easy, but the sound is difficult!  We will practice counting the number of syllables in words and the number of words in a sentence.  Please practice the sight words I sent home.   

In math this week we will be learning 2 more and 2 fewer and ordering numbers 0-10. 

In reading this week we will be reading a book called Bear Snores On!  This book is considered an animal fantasy story and we will continue to discuss realism and fantasy. 

Please continue to review the word lists as your child brings them home.  They should have list #3 to practice.  Number 2 should be graded and in their folders either today or Monday.  GO Spartans!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of October 28th - November 1st!!

Kindergarten news for the week of October 28th – November 1st

Next week in phonics we will be learning about the letter Mm as in monkey.  You can see how your child did on their first word list test.  This will come home on Monday.  Word list 2 is in their folder to practice for next week.  Your child may grow a mustache by the end of the week!  I did have many parents that said they would like a list of the sight words we’ve learned so far.  These will come home next week in an envelope.  Please keep them at home to practice!

Please return your conference form if you have not already sent it.  You will get an assigned time on November 4th.  Also return your party money as soon as you can.  We have not received money from 10 children.

Here is a list of people who donated to our fall festival.  We would like to thank everyone for their generosity! 

-Hart Farms of Ringtown for their donations of pumpkins

-Mr. Bob Burns and Mr. Jim McAndrew for letting us use their tractor and wagon for the hayride

-Boyer’s Grocery Store, Frackville, for donating cookies

-Hillshire Farms (Sara Lee) for their donation of hot dogs

-American Hose Co, Fountain Springs for bringing a fire truck

-American Legion of Mahanoy City for their monetary donation


In math this week we will continue comparing numbers up to 10.  We will also begin the discussion of 1 more and 1 fewer and 2 more and 2 fewer.


The next reading story will be called Animal Babies in Grasslands.  This is considered a concept book and has real pictures.  We will discuss the comprehension skill “Main idea”.


Please send your child’s Halloween costume in a bag labeled with their name.  We will not put on costumes until after lunch in the afternoon.  The children should not wear their costumes to school.  We do not want them ruined at lunch or recess.  Anyone may come to watch our school-wide parade.  This will be held at 2:15.  Parties will follow the parade!



Friday, October 18, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of October 21st - 25th

Kindergarten News for the week of October 21st  – 25th  

Please dress for red ribbon week if you can- Monday -shirt backwards, Tuesday – crazy sock day, Wednesday- twin day, Thursday- wear crazy hats, Friday Spartan Spirit Day!!!   Kindergarten will also participate in a coloring contest for red ribbon week! 

We will begin the letter Nn as in nest.  Show and tell will be on Thursday.  We will also read the story Armadillo’s Orange.

In math this week we will learn about problem solving, identifying patterns and predicting what comes next.  We will then compare and order numbers from 0-10.

A big thank you goes out to all the moms and dads who planned such a wonderful fall festival for our children.  The weather cooperated and everyone had an amazing day!!!

The Halloween parties will be on Thursday- October 31st.  Children should bring their costumes in a bag with their name on it.  They will change into their costumes after lunch!  Children should not wear their costumes to school!  We will have a parade.  Everyone is welcome!

Picture retakes will be on November 1st .  Please return old photos  ifyou weren’t happy or let me know if you need a form if you are new or were sick!!

  The Ashland Applefest will be held on Saturday- October 19th .

If you have not already done so, please send in your $5 party money.  Our Halloween party is just around the corner!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Kindergarten News for the week of October 14th - 18th

Please remember that there is no school for students on Monday-October 14th and Friday-October 18th. 

Tuesday will be day 4 on the rotation schedule.

We are not starting a new letter in phonics due to the short week!  We will review Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh and Tt, Pp and Aa.  Your child should recognize each letter and be able to give the sound for each letter.  Also, please practice the word lists as they come home each week with your child.

We will not start a new book in Reading.  Your child should know the words I, am, the, little, to, a, you and is.  We are also practicing counting syllables and rhyming.

Wednesday- October 16th is our kindergarten pajama party.

Thursday- October 17th will be our Kindergarten Fall Festival.  All parents or grandparents who have their clearances on file can help!  All activities will be outside on our football field if the weather permits!  The dress code does not need to be followed for the fall festival.  The children may wear gym clothes.  Please no shorts!  Children can dress down for this event---no jeans, please!  Sneakers are suggested.  We will have fall festival in the morning breaks for lunch and recess.  The kindergarten will have special partners for this event.  The reading buddies will accompany the kindergarten children so they make sure they do everything!

Please return Party money and fall festival money as soon as possible. 

I sent home t-shirts that were given to the children by our PTO.  Your child may wear this to school for gym class, spirit Fridays etc.  Please make sure your child has this t-shirt for our field trip in the spring! 

There will be a final planning meeting for the fall festival.  It will be held on Sunday- October 20th at 5:00 at the Mineshaft in Ashland. 

Picture retakes will be on November 1st. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Kindergarten News for the week of October 7th - 11th

Kindergarten News for October 7th -11th

Monday will be day 4 on the rotation schedule.  This is art class and the children will be painting.  You may want to send an extra old tshirt with them to wear as a smock over their clothes!

We will be learning the letter Aa as in apple and acorn.  This letter is a vowel and has a short sound as in apple and a long sound as in acorn.  Right now we will focus on the short sound.  We will learn the long sound later in the year more thoroughly.  We will review Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt and Pp.  Your child should recognize each letter and be able to give the sound for each letter.

We will finish reading Life in an Ocean  in Reading.  This is an informational text and has “real” pictures.  Your child should know the words I, am, the, little, to, a, do,what, was and is.  We also practicing counting syllables and rhyming.

We will be starting the next unit in math.  This will be teaching the numbers 7,8,9, and 10.  We will practice counting, reading and writing with these numbers.

Thursday- October 17th will be our Kindergarten Fall Festival.  All parents or grandparents who have their clearances on file can help!  All activities will be outside on our field if the weather permits!  The dress code does not need to be followed for the fall festival.   Children can dress down for this event---gym clothes are OK.  Sneakers are suggested.  We will have fall festival in the morning and afternoon with breaks for and recess and lunch.  The kindergarten will have special partners for this event.  Their reading buddies will accompany the kindergarten children so they make sure they do everything!  Our class is paired with Mrs. Herring’s fourth grade students.

Please return fall festival money as soon as possible.  The parents who are planning the event need to shop for supplies and goodies.  I am missing money from 9 children.

We will be discussing fire prevention next week. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of September 30th - October 4th

Kindergarten News – Week of September 30th – October 4th 

Phonics  In phonics this week we will be learning the letter Pp as in pig.  We have now learned Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt and Pp.  Please continue to practice these at home!  We will be celebrating learning the letter /Pp/ by having the pajama party on Wednesday- October 16th.  The children will be permitted to dress down and wear their pajamas for this fun and educational day.  I would suggest that your child wear sneakers to school and they may change into slippers when they arrive.  They may also bring a robe if they would like!  We will begin our day by eating pancakes in our room and then rotate through centers for the remainder of the morning in our classroom. 

Reading  We will be starting a new book called Dig Dig Digging.  We will be reading some fiction and non-fiction books about construction equipment.

Math We will be learning the terms for ordinal numbers first through fifth and doing some problem solving activities.  We will work on proper formation of the numbers  1-5 too! 

We would like to thank everyone for all of their hard work with the planning of our fall festival!!  There will be another planning meeting on Sunday evening- September 29th at 5:30 at the Mineshaft in Ashland.  Please come if you can help!  We ask that you send in your $4.00 for fall festival as soon as possible so the parents can buy their supplies for this fun day!

Our class is enjoying a variety of fall and Halloween books.  We are reading about bats, spiders, apples, and pumpkins.  The children really enjoy reading (or just looking at) books on their own!  We will be beginning kidwriting this week.  Your child will draw a picture and write 1-2 sentences to tell a story about the picture.  The other children will do center activities while I am working with 3 or 4 children with their writing.  

We will have picture retakes on November 1st .  If you were unhappy with your pictures, you must return your entire picture package in order to get a new one.  If you have any other problems with your pictures, you may contact the picture company directly.  The company name is PSP and the phone number is 1-800-248-6394.

We hope everyone has a wonderful first weekend of fall!  The weather looks like it will be beautiful!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of September 23rd - 27th

Kindergarten News for the week of September                            23rd – 27th  


There will be a fall festival planning meeting on this Sunday- September 22nd  at the Mineshaft in Ashland at 5:30.  Please attend if you are able!  .  The Kindergarten Fall Festival will be held at the school on Thursday, October 17th.


In the upcoming week, we will be learning Tt as in tent, tail, and tie.  .  Take some time to find items at home that begin with the letter Tt sound!  Also, boys and girls are asked to learn their telephone numbers.  Please practice at home!  They will get a “T”reat if they can tell me!!

Please label all of your child’s belongings .  This makes life much easier when children forget coats, etc. at breakfast, in the gym or on the playground! 


Book orders are due to me by Tuesday September 24th or online by the same day!

Please help your child practice his/her school id number until they know it!!


Please continue to have your child bring a snack each day.  Also have them complete their homework and take items out of the keep side each day!


In Math we will continue with identifying and ordering numbers 1-5, identifying a missing number on a number line identify fewest and most and the same as.


            Parents are encouraged to check out your teacher’s BLOG for homework and important information for the week.  You can access each teacher’s blog by going to the NS website at and clicking on Elementary School; then drop down to Homework Helpline and click on the teacher’s name.  This should take you directly to each teacher’s blog.  (The blogs will be updated at least once a week by Monday.)


            Monday, September 23rd  is day 4 on our special classes’ schedule, and students are asked to dress with School Spirit (red and blue) on every Friday of the school year!


        This Thursday- September 26th is Johnny Appleseed’s birthday.  I am asking that each child bring 1 apple to school for patterning, printing and making applesauce. We will make applesauce in our classroom on Friday!   We will also see which is the biggest, smallest, tallest etc.


        Our school store will be opening the second week of October.  Kindergarten can only shop on a Monday.


            Our next reading story is called Julius.  It is a book about a girl who gets a pig for a pet.

Hip, Hip, Hooray it’s the weekend!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of September 16th - 20th

Kindergarten News


        ~In the upcoming week we will be learning the letter Hh as in hat, hippo, and horse.  Letter Hh is a consonant.  As part of our study with the letter Hh we will have a “Hat Day” on Thursday- September 19th.  Students are asked to wear a favorite hat, a funny hat, or even a homemade hat.  You can be creative with this if you want!  Students will be able to wear the hat all day—we do just ask that students do not share hats.  Show and Tell will be with items that begin with the /h/ sound.  It will be on Thursday. 

          ~In Math we will be learning the terms more, fewer and the same as, 1 and 2 more, 1 and 2 fewer and the number zero.  

~In reading, we will begin the story Miss Bindergarten takes a Field Trip.  This book will teach about community cooperation and a community based field trip!

          ~We have been practicing writing our first names.  Please watch your child as he/she is writing.  Be sure to check if letters are beginning at the top, not the bottom and also guide him/her to use the lines when forming the letters.  Thank you!

          ~Box tops for education, Turkey Hill Moo lids and Campbell’s labels will be collected at the end of each month.  If you have any at your home, then please send them to school with your child.  The box tops, lids and labels help our school to earn extra money.

~Next week we will have a meeting to plan fall festival on Tuesday- September 17th at 2:00.  You should have received an orange note about this.  ~We will take dibels in the near future.

~We will have a school pep rally on Friday in our gym for homecoming!  Children may wear Spartan t-shirts!  Every Friday is a spirit day.  Your child can always wear a “Spartan” t-shirt on a Friday –even if it is not gym day!

          Monday will be Day 4 on our special classes’ schedule.

Have a Great weekend!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Kindergarten week of September 9th - 13th

Kindergarten news for the week of September 9th – 13th

  • Next week in Phonics we will be learning the letter Gg and its sound as in goat.   The formation of this letter is difficult for many children!   Please review the sounds and how to write the letters we have already learned.  We will have Show & Tell for Gg on Thursday.  If your child loses or rips their brown bag for show and tell, you may use any bag at all!  The bag is really just a reminder!
  • In math next week we will be learning some problem solving, counting one to five objects for one-to-one correspondence and introducing the concepts of more, fewer and the same as.
  • Our next reading story is about a plaid platypus called Plaidypus Lost.  The genre of this book is fiction and we will discuss the comprehension skill of sequence. 


We have already completed two weeks of school and many students are familiar with their bus numbers, however, we are asking that students continue to wear their bus tags or at least be sure to have them handy inside their backpacks.  If your child has lost his/her bus tag then please write your child’s name, the teacher’s name, the bus number your child rides to and from school, school id. number, and any other information you would like to include (address, phone #, child’s destination, etc…) on an index card or piece of paper and place it inside your child’s backpack.  This will be very helpful for teachers on bus duty and for any substitute teachers or substitute bus drivers.  Thank you for your help!


  • Parents, please check folders daily and remove all left at home items.  It becomes difficult to handle folders with too many papers inside (both for the students and teachers).  Thank you for your cooperation and support!


Monday will be day #4 on our rotation schedule. 


Now that the weather is getting a little cooler your child needs to be dressed properly to be outside for recess for a half hour!

Please be aware that the book fair will be held on MONDAY evening.  You may bring your child to purchase Scholastic books after school from 4-7pm in our school library.  Your child may also buy during their library class which will be on Thursday- September 12th.  A form should come home.

The first PTO meeting of the year will be on Monday- September 9th at 6:30 in the school cafeteria! 

Please return your child’s order form from PTO for a free tshirt for your child!  You only have to choose the size!

***Our lunch time is changing to 12:15- 12:45 due to congestion in the cafeteria which was causing confusion for the kindergarteners!  We will still have snack before recess at 10:45.  Please continue to send a snack with your child every day!

Have an Outstanding Weekend!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of May 20th - 24th

Kindergarten news for the week of May 20th – 24th
Buckle up parents!  These are the busiest weeks of the year!! 
Monday— Recess relay.  We will be going to the stadium for the event .  Children may wear gym attire!
Tuesday- and Wednesday-  We will be walking to the high school to practice for graduation.  We will be walking over and back each day so pleaser have your child wear comfortable footwear! 
Thursday- This is our field trip day to Hershey!  This is during the normal timeframe of our school day!  If your child is bringing their own lunch, please have it clearly labeled.
Friday- This is our carnival day!  Hope for good weather!
Please make sure that all library books have been returned to the library or paid for if they were lost!  I am proud to say that our class won another class party for good behavior during our library classes!  Great job!!
We enjoyed celebrating the summer birthdays with our classmates!
We will be working on our memory books during any free time we have this week!  
Please read the 2 yellow notes in your child’s folder! 
I will no longer be testing word lists for the remainder of the school year!
Please call me with any questions!  874-3661 ext 3241.