Friday, October 25, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of October 28th - November 1st!!

Kindergarten news for the week of October 28th – November 1st

Next week in phonics we will be learning about the letter Mm as in monkey.  You can see how your child did on their first word list test.  This will come home on Monday.  Word list 2 is in their folder to practice for next week.  Your child may grow a mustache by the end of the week!  I did have many parents that said they would like a list of the sight words we’ve learned so far.  These will come home next week in an envelope.  Please keep them at home to practice!

Please return your conference form if you have not already sent it.  You will get an assigned time on November 4th.  Also return your party money as soon as you can.  We have not received money from 10 children.

Here is a list of people who donated to our fall festival.  We would like to thank everyone for their generosity! 

-Hart Farms of Ringtown for their donations of pumpkins

-Mr. Bob Burns and Mr. Jim McAndrew for letting us use their tractor and wagon for the hayride

-Boyer’s Grocery Store, Frackville, for donating cookies

-Hillshire Farms (Sara Lee) for their donation of hot dogs

-American Hose Co, Fountain Springs for bringing a fire truck

-American Legion of Mahanoy City for their monetary donation


In math this week we will continue comparing numbers up to 10.  We will also begin the discussion of 1 more and 1 fewer and 2 more and 2 fewer.


The next reading story will be called Animal Babies in Grasslands.  This is considered a concept book and has real pictures.  We will discuss the comprehension skill “Main idea”.


Please send your child’s Halloween costume in a bag labeled with their name.  We will not put on costumes until after lunch in the afternoon.  The children should not wear their costumes to school.  We do not want them ruined at lunch or recess.  Anyone may come to watch our school-wide parade.  This will be held at 2:15.  Parties will follow the parade!



Friday, October 18, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of October 21st - 25th

Kindergarten News for the week of October 21st  – 25th  

Please dress for red ribbon week if you can- Monday -shirt backwards, Tuesday – crazy sock day, Wednesday- twin day, Thursday- wear crazy hats, Friday Spartan Spirit Day!!!   Kindergarten will also participate in a coloring contest for red ribbon week! 

We will begin the letter Nn as in nest.  Show and tell will be on Thursday.  We will also read the story Armadillo’s Orange.

In math this week we will learn about problem solving, identifying patterns and predicting what comes next.  We will then compare and order numbers from 0-10.

A big thank you goes out to all the moms and dads who planned such a wonderful fall festival for our children.  The weather cooperated and everyone had an amazing day!!!

The Halloween parties will be on Thursday- October 31st.  Children should bring their costumes in a bag with their name on it.  They will change into their costumes after lunch!  Children should not wear their costumes to school!  We will have a parade.  Everyone is welcome!

Picture retakes will be on November 1st .  Please return old photos  ifyou weren’t happy or let me know if you need a form if you are new or were sick!!

  The Ashland Applefest will be held on Saturday- October 19th .

If you have not already done so, please send in your $5 party money.  Our Halloween party is just around the corner!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Kindergarten News for the week of October 14th - 18th

Please remember that there is no school for students on Monday-October 14th and Friday-October 18th. 

Tuesday will be day 4 on the rotation schedule.

We are not starting a new letter in phonics due to the short week!  We will review Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh and Tt, Pp and Aa.  Your child should recognize each letter and be able to give the sound for each letter.  Also, please practice the word lists as they come home each week with your child.

We will not start a new book in Reading.  Your child should know the words I, am, the, little, to, a, you and is.  We are also practicing counting syllables and rhyming.

Wednesday- October 16th is our kindergarten pajama party.

Thursday- October 17th will be our Kindergarten Fall Festival.  All parents or grandparents who have their clearances on file can help!  All activities will be outside on our football field if the weather permits!  The dress code does not need to be followed for the fall festival.  The children may wear gym clothes.  Please no shorts!  Children can dress down for this event---no jeans, please!  Sneakers are suggested.  We will have fall festival in the morning breaks for lunch and recess.  The kindergarten will have special partners for this event.  The reading buddies will accompany the kindergarten children so they make sure they do everything!

Please return Party money and fall festival money as soon as possible. 

I sent home t-shirts that were given to the children by our PTO.  Your child may wear this to school for gym class, spirit Fridays etc.  Please make sure your child has this t-shirt for our field trip in the spring! 

There will be a final planning meeting for the fall festival.  It will be held on Sunday- October 20th at 5:00 at the Mineshaft in Ashland. 

Picture retakes will be on November 1st. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Kindergarten News for the week of October 7th - 11th

Kindergarten News for October 7th -11th

Monday will be day 4 on the rotation schedule.  This is art class and the children will be painting.  You may want to send an extra old tshirt with them to wear as a smock over their clothes!

We will be learning the letter Aa as in apple and acorn.  This letter is a vowel and has a short sound as in apple and a long sound as in acorn.  Right now we will focus on the short sound.  We will learn the long sound later in the year more thoroughly.  We will review Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt and Pp.  Your child should recognize each letter and be able to give the sound for each letter.

We will finish reading Life in an Ocean  in Reading.  This is an informational text and has “real” pictures.  Your child should know the words I, am, the, little, to, a, do,what, was and is.  We also practicing counting syllables and rhyming.

We will be starting the next unit in math.  This will be teaching the numbers 7,8,9, and 10.  We will practice counting, reading and writing with these numbers.

Thursday- October 17th will be our Kindergarten Fall Festival.  All parents or grandparents who have their clearances on file can help!  All activities will be outside on our field if the weather permits!  The dress code does not need to be followed for the fall festival.   Children can dress down for this event---gym clothes are OK.  Sneakers are suggested.  We will have fall festival in the morning and afternoon with breaks for and recess and lunch.  The kindergarten will have special partners for this event.  Their reading buddies will accompany the kindergarten children so they make sure they do everything!  Our class is paired with Mrs. Herring’s fourth grade students.

Please return fall festival money as soon as possible.  The parents who are planning the event need to shop for supplies and goodies.  I am missing money from 9 children.

We will be discussing fire prevention next week.