Friday, November 22, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week before Thanksgiving

Mrs. Tarantelli’s and Miss Woodring’s Kindergarten News for the week before Thanksgiving

This is just a short note to let you know what’s going on next week!

Cafe, NS

Good Afternoon, The menu for Wednesday November 21 2012 is as follows: Breaded Chicken Rings, w/sauce Whole wheat bread Glazed carrots Fruit cup The alternate is Meatball Sub NO STUDENT OR ADULT SALADS !!! Thank You Cafeteria Staff

Wed 11/7


The menu for Wednesday November 27, 2013 is as follows:

Breaded Chicken Patty

Whole wheat bread                                                                  

Green beans


There are no alternate lunches.

There is no breakfast that day.  They will start serving LUNCH at 9:00. 

We will have gym class on Wednesday!!


We will not be learning a new letter next week.  We will begin the letter Rr when we return after Thanksgiving!  We do have a new word list -#6!  Word list #6 will not be tested until the Friday after Thanksgiving.   I tested word list 5.


In math we will be reviewing the numbers up to 20.  The children need to recognize them and be able to count that many correctly.


We will be visiting our reading buddies and watching Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving with them next week!  We will also make a turkey craft with them.  We will also be making butter and baking corn bread!  We will be learning about pilgrims and Native Americans next week.  We will make necklaces, headdresses and vests.


Monday is day #1 on our rotation schedule.


Please continue to send a snack and a drink with your child each day!  You may replace your child’s folder if it is badly torn.  They are just 3 prong folders from Walmart that I purchased in the summer.   


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!   


Friday, November 15, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of November 18th - 22nd

Kindergarten News for the week of November 18th  – 22nd   
Please remember that there is no school for students on Monday- November 18th!  We have conferences scheduled for that day from 12-6:15pm.  If you did not schedule a conference or misplaced the time confirmation note, you may call or email me for a or 570-874-3661 etx.3241.  Please jot down any questions or concerns you may have. 
In math next week we will be counting and really learning all about the numbers 11-20.  We will also be doing some problem solving, reviewing for a chapter test and taking a test on the numbers 11-20.
In reading we will be reading the story Whose Garden is it?  This is a rhyming story and we will discuss realism and fantasy again.
In phonics we will be learning the letter Ff as in fish.  We will also be reading some frog books.  Your child should now know Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt, Pp, Aa, Nn, Mm, Ii, and Ss.  They should know how to recognize the letter and know the sound.
Please practice word list 5.  We will be having show and tell for Ff on Thursday and will be tested on word list 5 on Friday!
Tuesday will be day #2 on our rotation schedule.  Your child will need his/her library book.  Wednesday will be gym day! 
I gave each child a knit headband to wear for recess.  This has their name on it and will be kept in their cubby. 

We will learn about Indians and pilgrims up until Thanksgiving.  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of November 11th - 15th

Kindergarten News for the week of November 11th - 15th
In phonics we will be learning the letter Ss as in sun.  We will still have show and tell on Thursday.  There is a new word list in your child’s folder (#4).  You may want to practice if your child is struggling with these.  We do review them in class!
In math we will be counting, writing and reading the numbers 11-20.  This is difficult for some children. 
The new reading book for this week is called A Bed for Winter.  This story is an informational text and we will review the comprehension skill of sequencing events in a story.
As the weather turns cooler, don’t forget to dress your child to be outside for a half of an hour.  If you have an extra hat and pair of gloves, maybe your child would like to leave them in their cubby for recess.  They may also want to leave a sweater or hoodless sweatshirt if they think our room is cold.  We have no control over the temperature and sometimes it seems to change throughout the day.
Please check your child’s folder for your conference time. 
Monday will be day #2 on our rotation schedule.  Your child needs his/her library book for Monday and sneakers for gym on Tuesday.
I was informed that Santa is coming to the Schuylkill mall this weekend.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Mrs. Tarantelli's Kindergarten news for the week of November 4th - 8th

Kindergarten News for the week of November 4th – 8th

There is no school for students on Monday- November 18th.  It is a teacher act 80 day!  Parent-teacher conferences will be held from 12-6pm that day to discuss your child’s progress.  You should have received a paper to sign up for a conference.  Please keep in mind that your kindergarten child will not receive a report card on Monday like the rest of the school!! 

On Monday it will be day 2 on our rotation schedule.  Your child needs to bring his/her library book to exchange it.  We have gym on Tuesday (day 3)  Many children are confused about this because for several weeks gym was on a Friday.  Remember your sneakers for gym class and no more shorts until spring!  Clocks change this weekend!

Our phonics letter for next week will be Ii as in inch and icicles.  The formation of this letter is easy, but the sound is difficult!  We will practice counting the number of syllables in words and the number of words in a sentence.  Please practice the sight words I sent home.   

In math this week we will be learning 2 more and 2 fewer and ordering numbers 0-10. 

In reading this week we will be reading a book called Bear Snores On!  This book is considered an animal fantasy story and we will continue to discuss realism and fantasy. 

Please continue to review the word lists as your child brings them home.  They should have list #3 to practice.  Number 2 should be graded and in their folders either today or Monday.  GO Spartans!!