Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Act 80 half day reminder!!!

I would like to remind everyone that there is an early dismissal on Friday- January 27th at 11:45 for an Act 80 ½ day! It is listed on the yearly calendar and on the monthly calendar, but I forgot to put it in my weekly newsletter!! Enjoy the afternoon with your child!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

100th day in kindergarten

Dear Parents,
In just a few more school days your child will be celebrating his/her 100th day of school! Can you believe it?? The year is flying ! We are planning a special day with lots of activities involving “100” and we need your help. The 100th day will be on Tuesday January 31st, if we have no snow days before that day!
One fun activity you may like to do is dress your child as if he/she were 100 years old. You can use wigs, baby powder, canes, walkers, glasses and old jewelry. Use your imagination! This is a great photo op!
We will be counting to 100 many times that day. We will see where 100 steps takes us in the building, how long it takes to melt 100 ice cubes, and does 100 licks take us to the center of a tootsie pop! (and much more)
We are excited to be 100 days smarter! Thanks for your continued help! It is greatly appreciated!
Mrs. Anne Tarantelli

Kindergarten News for the week of January 23rd - 27th

Kindergarten newsletter for the week of January 23 rd - 28th
Report Cards came home today. Please look over the report cards and return as soon as possible. Call me with any concerns. (874-3661 ext 3241)
Snow Days! I did put this tip on my blog. When we have a day of school off for an in-service day or snow, we don’t skip that day. Let’s say it is day 1 on Monday, when we have school, and we’re off Tues. and Wed. for snow, it is still day 2 on Thursday. This is so the children don’t miss the same special class all of the time.
I know some of the children were upset that we didn’t get to present their report on their assigned day. We had days off, dibels testing and had to do our regular lessons! I promised them that we will continue them next week until we’re finished! We were scheduled for dibels testing last week but didn’t take it until Thursday!
In phonics next week we will learn the letter Zz as in zebra. The children generally do not have difficulty with the sound, but the formation is tricky! We will have show and tell!
Book orders are due on-line or in school on Jan. 26th if you want any books!
In math we will continue working with the numbers from 0 – 20. Many children can put them in order, and rote count them but can’t remember the numbers of each teen number individually shown out of order. You may want to practice this! The children are also confusing the coins. We only focus on penny, nickel and dime.
Monday will be Day 3 on our schedule and we will have gym. Please have your child bring sneakers if they wear boots to school.
Our tissue supply is running low! Some thoughtful children have brought tissues again! Thank you!! We are OK with hand sanitizer!
Watch for a note about the 100th day. So far it should be January 31st!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kindergarten week of January 16th - 20th

Uu Kindergarten Newsletter for the week of January 16th – 20th

• The second marking period will be ending on Tuesday and we will continue testing. Students will be asked to write correctly their first and last names, numbers 0-10, and capital and lowercase letters learned. They will need to identify letter and sounds, numbers 0-10, count orally to 30, basic shapes, and rhyming words. Students will be asked to blend 2, 3, and 4 letter words and read some already learned high- frequency sight words. Please take some time to review these skills with your child. Report cards will be sent home some time on or around January 20th. It is hard to believe our year is half way over!

In phonics next week we will learn the letter Uu as in umbrella and unicorn. We will not have show and tell in the regular way. We will have a United States report! Your child should have received a state, papers and the date that it is due. Let me know if you did not!

• Our next math lessons will be about identifying and ordering the numbers 0-20, identifying what numbers come between two given numbers, before a given number and after a given number, identifying a 1 cup measuring cup and following a recipe and discussing full, half full and empty containers.

• Our next story in reading will be called Hide, Clyde. It is a life science concept book about chameleons and the children really enjoy it!!

• Tuesday will be day number 4 on our rotation schedule.

• We took the dibels test again. I will only let you know if the results were not as good as they should be for this time of the year. We should know the results in the next few weeks.

• I will send the January book orders home on Tuesday!

• The children are looking forward to the 100th day. We only have 11 more school day!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kindergarten News for the week of January 9th - 13th

Kindergarten News for the week of January 9th – 13th
I will test word list 8 on Thursday or Friday. We will also take the second session of the dibels test on Thursday or Friday. Your child will have to read nonsense words, name letters, use words in sentences and identify pictures that have similar sounds as those named.
In math we will be comparing sets of objects and numbers through 6. We will weigh objects using nonstandard units and ordering objects by weight. Lastly, we will be combining sets by counting on and using numbers to describe how many objects are in a set.
In phonics we will be learning the letter Bb. We will have show and tell on Thursday. If I ever forget to send a bag home, a grocery bag would be fine.
In reading we will read the story Seeds. We will learn the comprehension skill of drawing conclusions. This is an informational text.
Please continue to dress your child for the weather! We go outside every day that it is possible. Hats and gloves make their time outside more enjoyable. Also some of the children have been asking to put on their coats in our classroom because they are cold. I am wearing 2 or 3 layers myself every day because the large blower makes our room feel cold! You may want to send a dress code appropriate sweater or hoodless sweatshirt for your child’s cubby!
We will be testing for report cards next week. We have learned the letters L,O,G,H,T,P,A,N,M,I,S,F,R and K. Your child should recognize these (capital and lowercase letters) and know the corresponding sound. They should be able to read all sight words taught, recognize numbers to 20, and recognize the penny, nickel and dime and name their value. Your child will be asked to name time to the hour and recognize rhyme. They should also be able to tell a rhyming word that rhymes with a word given by me!
Please continue to call me with any questions or concerns! My school phone number is 874-3661-ext. 3241.