Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of September 30th - October 4th

Kindergarten News – Week of September 30th – October 4th 

Phonics  In phonics this week we will be learning the letter Pp as in pig.  We have now learned Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh, Tt and Pp.  Please continue to practice these at home!  We will be celebrating learning the letter /Pp/ by having the pajama party on Wednesday- October 16th.  The children will be permitted to dress down and wear their pajamas for this fun and educational day.  I would suggest that your child wear sneakers to school and they may change into slippers when they arrive.  They may also bring a robe if they would like!  We will begin our day by eating pancakes in our room and then rotate through centers for the remainder of the morning in our classroom. 

Reading  We will be starting a new book called Dig Dig Digging.  We will be reading some fiction and non-fiction books about construction equipment.

Math We will be learning the terms for ordinal numbers first through fifth and doing some problem solving activities.  We will work on proper formation of the numbers  1-5 too! 

We would like to thank everyone for all of their hard work with the planning of our fall festival!!  There will be another planning meeting on Sunday evening- September 29th at 5:30 at the Mineshaft in Ashland.  Please come if you can help!  We ask that you send in your $4.00 for fall festival as soon as possible so the parents can buy their supplies for this fun day!

Our class is enjoying a variety of fall and Halloween books.  We are reading about bats, spiders, apples, and pumpkins.  The children really enjoy reading (or just looking at) books on their own!  We will be beginning kidwriting this week.  Your child will draw a picture and write 1-2 sentences to tell a story about the picture.  The other children will do center activities while I am working with 3 or 4 children with their writing.  

We will have picture retakes on November 1st .  If you were unhappy with your pictures, you must return your entire picture package in order to get a new one.  If you have any other problems with your pictures, you may contact the picture company directly.  The company name is PSP and the phone number is 1-800-248-6394.

We hope everyone has a wonderful first weekend of fall!  The weather looks like it will be beautiful!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of September 23rd - 27th

Kindergarten News for the week of September                            23rd – 27th  


There will be a fall festival planning meeting on this Sunday- September 22nd  at the Mineshaft in Ashland at 5:30.  Please attend if you are able!  .  The Kindergarten Fall Festival will be held at the school on Thursday, October 17th.


In the upcoming week, we will be learning Tt as in tent, tail, and tie.  .  Take some time to find items at home that begin with the letter Tt sound!  Also, boys and girls are asked to learn their telephone numbers.  Please practice at home!  They will get a “T”reat if they can tell me!!

Please label all of your child’s belongings .  This makes life much easier when children forget coats, etc. at breakfast, in the gym or on the playground! 


Book orders are due to me by Tuesday September 24th or online by the same day!

Please help your child practice his/her school id number until they know it!!


Please continue to have your child bring a snack each day.  Also have them complete their homework and take items out of the keep side each day!


In Math we will continue with identifying and ordering numbers 1-5, identifying a missing number on a number line identify fewest and most and the same as.


            Parents are encouraged to check out your teacher’s BLOG for homework and important information for the week.  You can access each teacher’s blog by going to the NS website at and clicking on Elementary School; then drop down to Homework Helpline and click on the teacher’s name.  This should take you directly to each teacher’s blog.  (The blogs will be updated at least once a week by Monday.)


            Monday, September 23rd  is day 4 on our special classes’ schedule, and students are asked to dress with School Spirit (red and blue) on every Friday of the school year!


        This Thursday- September 26th is Johnny Appleseed’s birthday.  I am asking that each child bring 1 apple to school for patterning, printing and making applesauce. We will make applesauce in our classroom on Friday!   We will also see which is the biggest, smallest, tallest etc.


        Our school store will be opening the second week of October.  Kindergarten can only shop on a Monday.


            Our next reading story is called Julius.  It is a book about a girl who gets a pig for a pet.

Hip, Hip, Hooray it’s the weekend!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of September 16th - 20th

Kindergarten News


        ~In the upcoming week we will be learning the letter Hh as in hat, hippo, and horse.  Letter Hh is a consonant.  As part of our study with the letter Hh we will have a “Hat Day” on Thursday- September 19th.  Students are asked to wear a favorite hat, a funny hat, or even a homemade hat.  You can be creative with this if you want!  Students will be able to wear the hat all day—we do just ask that students do not share hats.  Show and Tell will be with items that begin with the /h/ sound.  It will be on Thursday. 

          ~In Math we will be learning the terms more, fewer and the same as, 1 and 2 more, 1 and 2 fewer and the number zero.  

~In reading, we will begin the story Miss Bindergarten takes a Field Trip.  This book will teach about community cooperation and a community based field trip!

          ~We have been practicing writing our first names.  Please watch your child as he/she is writing.  Be sure to check if letters are beginning at the top, not the bottom and also guide him/her to use the lines when forming the letters.  Thank you!

          ~Box tops for education, Turkey Hill Moo lids and Campbell’s labels will be collected at the end of each month.  If you have any at your home, then please send them to school with your child.  The box tops, lids and labels help our school to earn extra money.

~Next week we will have a meeting to plan fall festival on Tuesday- September 17th at 2:00.  You should have received an orange note about this.  ~We will take dibels in the near future.

~We will have a school pep rally on Friday in our gym for homecoming!  Children may wear Spartan t-shirts!  Every Friday is a spirit day.  Your child can always wear a “Spartan” t-shirt on a Friday –even if it is not gym day!

          Monday will be Day 4 on our special classes’ schedule.

Have a Great weekend!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Kindergarten week of September 9th - 13th

Kindergarten news for the week of September 9th – 13th

  • Next week in Phonics we will be learning the letter Gg and its sound as in goat.   The formation of this letter is difficult for many children!   Please review the sounds and how to write the letters we have already learned.  We will have Show & Tell for Gg on Thursday.  If your child loses or rips their brown bag for show and tell, you may use any bag at all!  The bag is really just a reminder!
  • In math next week we will be learning some problem solving, counting one to five objects for one-to-one correspondence and introducing the concepts of more, fewer and the same as.
  • Our next reading story is about a plaid platypus called Plaidypus Lost.  The genre of this book is fiction and we will discuss the comprehension skill of sequence. 


We have already completed two weeks of school and many students are familiar with their bus numbers, however, we are asking that students continue to wear their bus tags or at least be sure to have them handy inside their backpacks.  If your child has lost his/her bus tag then please write your child’s name, the teacher’s name, the bus number your child rides to and from school, school id. number, and any other information you would like to include (address, phone #, child’s destination, etc…) on an index card or piece of paper and place it inside your child’s backpack.  This will be very helpful for teachers on bus duty and for any substitute teachers or substitute bus drivers.  Thank you for your help!


  • Parents, please check folders daily and remove all left at home items.  It becomes difficult to handle folders with too many papers inside (both for the students and teachers).  Thank you for your cooperation and support!


Monday will be day #4 on our rotation schedule. 


Now that the weather is getting a little cooler your child needs to be dressed properly to be outside for recess for a half hour!

Please be aware that the book fair will be held on MONDAY evening.  You may bring your child to purchase Scholastic books after school from 4-7pm in our school library.  Your child may also buy during their library class which will be on Thursday- September 12th.  A form should come home.

The first PTO meeting of the year will be on Monday- September 9th at 6:30 in the school cafeteria! 

Please return your child’s order form from PTO for a free tshirt for your child!  You only have to choose the size!

***Our lunch time is changing to 12:15- 12:45 due to congestion in the cafeteria which was causing confusion for the kindergarteners!  We will still have snack before recess at 10:45.  Please continue to send a snack with your child every day!

Have an Outstanding Weekend!