Friday, December 13, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of December 16th - 20th

Kindergarten News for the week of December 16th – 20th   


We will take the second session of the dibels test after we return from our Christmas break.  In the Winter (January) your child will complete the following assessments for DIBELS: First Sound Fluency, Letter Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation, and Nonsense Word Fluency.  There are two more assessments, which have been added. The first is Phoneme Segmentation, which does not require any materials. This is an advanced skill of First Sound Fluency by moving from the first sound of a word to the middle and ending sounds of a word. For example, if I would say the word "cat," and your child would segment it by saying the sounds /c/ /a/ /t/.
The final assessment in Winter is Nonsense Word Fluency. This sounds complicated, but it is quite simple. The children are shown a three letter make believe word to read. For example, the child might see "mav" and the child would have to read it by saying the sounds /m/ /a/ /v/ or reading the whole word "mav."

We will not begin a new letter before we leave for Christmas break.  In phonics we will be learning the letter Bb when we return after the holidays.  I will test word list 7 next week.  I will test word list 8 on the Friday when we return after Christmas.  

In math we will review counting and recognizing numbers to 100 and counting by 1’s, 2’s and 10’s to 100. 

In reading we will not be starting a new story!  We will finish activities with Little Quack.

Please continue to dress your child for the weather!  We go outside every day that it is possible.  Hats and gloves make their time outside more enjoyable.  Also some of the children have been asking to put on their coats in our classroom because they are cold.  I am wearing 2 layers myself every day because the large blower makes our room feel cold!  You may want to send a dress code appropriate sweater or hoodless sweatshirt for your child’s cubby!

We have learned the letters L,O,G,H,T,P,A,N,M,I,S,F,R and K.  Your child should recognize these (capital and lowercase letters) and know the corresponding sound.  They should be able to read all sight words taught and recognize numbers to 100.  Your child will be asked to recognize rhyme by saying if 2 words said to them rhyme.  They should also be able to tell a rhyming word that rhymes with a word given by me!

Please note that Friday- December 20th is a half day of school and that will also be our Polar Express day!  (Children may wear pajamas.)                                    

Please continue to call us with any questions or concerns!  Our school phone number is 874-3661-ext. 3241.  Next week will be a little crazy!  On Tuesday- Dec 17th we will go to the high school to see the high school band and chorus.  On Thursday we have an in-school program sponsored by the PTO. 


Friday, December 6, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of December 9th - 13th

Kindergarten News for the week of December 9th  – 13th      

Yesterday we mailed our letters to Santa!  A reply should come home before Christmas!  Thank you for helping your child with this fun activity!

We have a super busy week ahead of us!  We are collecting donations for the military.  Santa may visit our room soon!  Our elf on the shelf, Frosty is keeping us entertained!

Friday- December 13th -Trip to high school to see the elementary band and chorus concert!  That is also the PTO movie night.  Please return the paper that is your child’s folder today if you are interested in attending.

In phonics next week we will learn the letter Kk as in kite!  We will have show and tell on Thursday!  This will be the last letter we learn before Christmas.  The boys will be kings one day and wear crowns!  We will learn Bb when we return from the holiday break.

In math we will be learning about numbers to 100 and beginning to count by 10’s, 5’s and 2’s.

We will read the story Little Quack.  We really enjoyed the Panda cam from the SanDiego zoo.  You can check it out on your home computer.  Just google search Panda Cam.

We will be making reindeer food and a Santa cookie plate.  We will have a special Polar Express day before Christmas!  A note is in your child’s backpack.   We will not be exchanging gifts in our classroom from one child to another child or with our reading buddies.  It won’t be long now!