Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of January 28th - February 1st

Kindergarten News for the week of January 28th  – February 1st  
Next week in kindergarten we will celebrate the 100th day of school----hopefully without weather delays or cancellations!   The 100th day will be on Thursday.  We will make our Groundhog Day predictions on Friday!
In phonics we will be learning the letter Ee as in elephant. This is our last vowel!  Please review all vowel sounds. Show and tell will be on Friday—due to the 100th day celebration!
In reading we will read a story called One Little Mouse.  In this book we will talk about the comprehension strategy sequence and concept blends.  We will read the take home story My Words.
In math we will practice handwriting the numbers 17-20 and problem solving with shapes working with geoboards, ordering objects by length and using pattern blocks to make an ABC pattern.
Monday will be day number 4.  Book exchange is always on day 2.  If there is an early dismissal we miss our special class and the day just changes to the following day.  If we have a 2 hour delay we still have a special but it is shortened.   
Please continue to practice the word lists as you get them.  We will be working on word list 12 this week.  Some children are still struggling with their sight words.  We do practice these daily in class. Let me know if you need an extra copy to practice at home!
Your child may need a glue stick or box of crayons for school!  You can check with them!