Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kindergarten News for the week of January 14th - 18th

Kindergarten News for the week of January 14th - 18th
·        Next week in Phonics we will be learning the consonant letter Zz as in zebra and zoo.  Show & Tell will continue next week on Thursday.  We will practice identifying the vowel sounds heard in words and counting the number of words heard in dictated sentences.  Please practice word list 10.
·        Our 100th day is just 14 school days away!!!  Please practice counting from 0-100 and watch for a 100th day newsletter with more information about our celebration.
Report cards are being sent home on Wednesday- January 23rd.  Please sign and return as soon as possible.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.  (874-3661 ext. 3241)
·        Please try to keep up with our rotation days for the gym schedule.  Gym is on day 3.  Monday will be day 1.  If your child wears boots to school on gym day, they may change into sneakers before gym.
·        The children are doing a really great job on their state reports!  We will finish our reports on Wednesday!  We all learned a lot!  The reports will be on display on our bulletin board and will come home in two weeks!
·        This week in math we will be learning about identifying the numbers 0-20 and showing what numbers come before, after and between numbers.  We will also discuss measuring with a one cup measuring cup and following a recipe.  We will discuss empty, half full and full containers and identify a quart container.  If we have time, we will also be covering designs with pattern blocks.
·        Our next reading book will be called Hide Clyde.  We will discuss chameleons and camouflage.
·        We have an early dismissal on Friday- January 18th at 11:45am!
·        Have a great weekend!  There are only 94 school days left!