Friday, September 21, 2012

Kindergarten News for the week of September 24th

There will be another fall festival planning meeting on this Thursday- September 27th again at the pavilion behind the Elementary School at 6pm.  Please attend if you are able!  Also, please send in your child’s fall festival money.  I’ve only received about half so far.  The amount is $3.00.  The Kindergarten Fall Festival will be held at the school on Thursday, October 11th.

In the upcoming week, we will be learning Tt as in tent, tail, and tie.  .  Take some time to find items at home that begin with the letter Tt sound!  Also, boys and girls are asked to learn their telephone numbers.  Please practice at home!  They will get a “T”reat if they can tell me!!

We will be celebrating Clifford’s birthday on Monday.  Clifford is 50 years old and the book company scholastic is having a webcast we will be watching.  We are also celebrating a classmate’s birthday that day so we will have birthday treats!!  Your child may want to wear red because Clifford is the big red dog!

            In Math we will continue with identifying and ordering numbers 1-5, identifying a missing number on a number line, using a real graph to identify fewest and most, naming a shape using the three attributes of color, shape and size and lastly matching a number card to a set of objects. 

            Parents are encouraged to check out your teacher’s BLOG for homework and important information for the week.  You can access each teacher’s blog by going to the NS website at and clicking on Elementary School; then drop down to Homework Helpline and click on the teacher’s name.  This should take you directly to each teacher’s blog.  (The blogs will be updated at least once a week on a Monday.)

            Monday, September 24th is day 5 on our special classes’ schedule, and students are asked to dress with School Spirit (red and blue) on every Friday of the school year!

        This Wednesday- September 26th is Johnny Appleseed’s birthday.  I am asking that each child bring 1 apple to school for patterning, printing and making applesauce. We will make applesauce in our classroom on Friday!   We will also see which is the biggest, smallest tallest etc.

        Our school store is opening on this Monday- September 24th.  Kindergarten can only shop on a Monday.

            Our next reading story is called Julius.  It is a book about a girl who gets a pig for a pet.
Hip, Hip, Hooray it’s the weekend!