Friday, September 28, 2012

Kindergarten News for the Week of October 1-5

Kindergarten News for the week of October  1st – 5th
This week in kindergarten we will be learning about the letter Pp as in pig.  To celebrate the letter Pp we will be having a Pajama Party on Friday- October 12th  during the regular school day.  Children may come to school wearing their pajamas.  We will do “Pp” show and tell on Thursday.  The letters we have learned so far are Ll, Oo, Gg, Hh and Tt.  You may want to check if you child knows them to recognize them and the sound they make by themselves!  
In math we will be creating and reading an “AB” color pattern.  We will act out story problems.  We will identify the ordinal positional words first, second, third and fourth.  Lastly, we will cover design using pattern blocks.
Monday will be day 5.  Remember,  day 3 is gym day!  Please wear sneakers!
Please continue to label all of your child’s belongings!  Also, try to send in your fall festival.  We are still missing money from seven of our children.  The class will be allowed to wear “gym dress code appropriate clothes” for the fall festival. (No jeans!)
In reading, we will continue to read the book Dig Dig Digging.  This is a concept book and we will learn to classify and categorize.  . 
We made applesauce today to finish our apple week for Johnny Appleseed’s birthday.  Ask your child if they liked it.  They also tasted red, green and yellow apples and we graphed the results of their favorite apple.  Red was the favorite and there was a tie between yellow and green. 
We will have a pep rally for homecoming on Friday.  Your child may dress in “red and blue Spartan colors” or pink in honor of October being breast cancer awareness month. 
Have a great weekend!  Go SPARTANS!!