Friday, September 24, 2010

Kindergarten week of September 27th - October 1st

Kindergarten News for the week of September 27th-October 1st

In the upcoming week we will be learning the letter Hh as in hat, hippo, and horse. Letter Hh is a consonant. As part of our study with the letter Hh we will have a “Hat Day” on Friday, October 1st. Students are asked to wear a favorite hat, a funny hat, or even a homemade hat. You can be creative with this if you want! Students will be able to wear the hat all day—we do just ask that students do not share hats. Show and Tell will be with items that begin with the /h/ sound on Thursday! Watch for your brown bag!
We had a great time learning about “APPLES”. We were sorting, graphing, and tasting all apples that were brought in this week! Our applesauce was delicious!
In Math we will be learning about acting out story problems, identifying, describing and comparing circles and rectangles. We will also be identifying and ordering the numbers 1 – 5 and identifying a missing number.
We have been practicing writing our first names. Please watch your child as he/she is writing. Be sure to check if letters are beginning at the top, not the bottom and also guide him/her to use the lines when forming the letters. Capital letters should only be used at the beginning of your name.
The PTO store will be open on Mondays. Kindergarteners are asked to shop only on a Monday from 8:25-8:45. Please do not put school store money in your child’s folder. (Teachers will not see it until after the store closes.) Students should keep it separate in book bags where they can reach it easily for shopping before homeroom.
There will be a meeting on Monday- September 27th at 6:00 pm at the Dutch Kitchen in Frackville for anyone interested in helping to plan our kindergarten fall festival. We need lots of help to make this day successful for your child!!
Boxtops for education and Campbell’s labels will be collected at any time. If you have any at your home, then please send them to school with your child. The box tops and labels help our school to earn extra money and the homeroom with the most collected each month will receive a treat from PTO!
Monday will be Day 3 on our special classes’ schedule. Please try to follow the schedule I gave you in your child’s yellow folder! Also, labels coats and sweaters your child is wearing to school! I had phone calls this week about missing items and they’re very difficult to find without names in them!
Have a Great weekend!