Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kindergarten week of October 4th - October 8th

Kindergarten News for the week of October 4th – 8th

There will be another fall festival planning meeting on this Monday- October 4th following the PTO meeting in the elementary school cafeteria. Please attend if you are able! Also, please send in your child’s $6.00 party money. This will go towards fall festival, the Halloween party and the Christmas party!
In the upcoming week, we will be learning Tt as in tent, tail, and tie. . Take some time to find items at home that begin with the letter Tt sound! Also, boys and girls are asked to learn their telephone numbers. Please practice at home! They will get a “T”reat if they can tell me!!

Our theme for the upcoming weeks and October will be Fire Safety. We have many activities planned to teach the students about fire safety such as; videos, stories, and art projects. Don’t forget to ask your child what he/she has learned!

In Math we will continue with matching a number card to a set of items 1-5, creating and reading an AB color pattern, acting out story problems, and identifying ordinal number places first through fourth.

The Kindergarten Fall Festival will be held at the school on Thursday, October 14th with a rain date of Friday, October 15th. Parent and grandparent volunteers who have the necessary clearances are welcome and needed to help the homeroom moms with this fun-filled day! Please contact your child’s teacher and show proof of updated clearances, and we will be glad to have you join in the festivities!!!

Parents are encouraged to check out your teacher’s BLOG for homework and important information for the week. You can access each teacher’s blog by going to the NS website at and clicking on Elementary School; then drop down to Homework Helpline and click on the teacher’s name. This should take you directly to each teacher’s blog. (The blogs will be updated at least once a week on a Monday.)

Monday, October 4thth will be Day 1 on our special classes’ schedule, and students are asked to dress with School Spirit (red and blue) on Friday, Oct. 8thrd. There will be a Pep Rally in the gym for all students. Show your Spartan Spirit!
Hip, Hip, Hooray it’s the weekend!