Friday, March 1, 2013

Kindergarten news for the week of March 4th- 8th

Kindergarten News for the week of March 4th  – 8th
Next week we will be working on the letter Xx as in the end of fox and beginning of x-ray.  Students will go on a treasure hunt throughout the building to find the “X” that marks the spot of their hidden treasure!  This treasure hunt will be next week due to kindergarten registration.  We don’t want the parents and new k students to see the current children flying through the halls on their hunt!  How exciting!!!  There will be NO Show and Tell.
I hope you enjoyed the newspaper activities this week!  Please send in my ad for a small treat!  A separate note was sent home about this.  My ad can be found in the classified section of the Pottsville Republican and Evening Herald
In reading this week we will read the story Mayday! Mayday!.  This is an informational text.  We will discuss cause and effect.  Continue to read the little books I send home for fluency practice. 
Next week we will have our kindergarten registration at NSE.  Please call the school office for an appointment if your child will be five by September 1st and you wish to enroll them in kindergarten. 
In kidwriting the children are beginning to attempt to write 2 or more sentences on their own each day!  This is scary for some children but some took right off with it! 
In math we will work with tangram pieces, identify small and large shapes, begin to measure length, graph a picture on a pictograph and explore slides, flips and turns with shapes.
***Please remember that gym is always on DAY 3---wear sneakers!
Monday will be day 5 on our rotation schedule. 
***Library day is always on day 2!  Please help your child locate his/her book so they can get a new book each week!
I have mixed feelings about telling you that I will not be in school next Thursday and Friday.  I am lucky enough to be able to go to the PA Kindergarten Teachers Conference in Harrisburg.  Three teachers will be going from our kindergarten.  It is fabulous and we always come home with new and exciting ideas.   Please reassure your child that if my ad is in the newspaper one of these two days, they will get their treat when I return!  I will have everything laid out for the 2 days and the children will be in the very capable hands of Mrs. McCormick