Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kindergarten News for the week of February 20th - 24th

Kindergarten News for the Week of February 21st – 24th
There is no school for students on Friday- February 17th or on Monday- February 20th .
In phonics next week we will be learning the letter Dd. We will be doing dinosaur projects and your child should have a paper with the dinosaur name they selected and their assigned date. We will not have our regular show and tell. We only have 6 more alphabet letters to learn. The girls are anxiously waiting to be queens for a day when we learn the letter Qq! Unfortunately, it is the last letter we learn! Don’t forget to study the next word list that was also in your child’s folder today!
In math we will be learning the following math concepts: identifying nickels, counting by 5’s to 100, comparing events according to duration of time, counting nickels to 25 cents and paying for objects up to 25 cents, identifying a cylinder and ordering objects by height, and making ABC patterns.
In reading we will begin reading the story If You Could Go to Antarctica. This is an earth science story and is considered an informational text. We will learn to classify and categorize.
Book orders are due to me by Thursday – February 23rd if you are interested in buying anything. You may also order them online. Use my code when entering your order on .
A big “Thank You” to the homeroom mothers for planning a great Valentine party!! We had a wonderful time. Thank you also for sending in party money!
I did want to let you know that our school phone system was down last week and I lost all messages in my voice mail box! If you even call me and I don’t get back to you, please call back! Sometimes in this world of technology, these things happen!